About me
I am a PhD student at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, University of Stuttgart, where I am part of the TASAS group under the supervision of Andrea Iannelli.
I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Engineering Cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart, focusing on system theory, control engineering as well as machine learning. Currently, my research mostly focusses on combining these tools with methods from statistical learning theory to characterize the uncertainty and statistical hardness of data-driven methods for dynamical systems.
- [12/2024] Our paper Sample Complexity Bounds for Linear System Identification from a Finite Set has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Letters.
- [09/2024] Our paper End-to-end guarantees for indirect data-driven control of bilinear systems with finite stochastic data is now on arXiv.
- [09/2024] Our paper Sample Complexity Bounds for Linear System Identification from a Finite Set is on arXiv.
- [04/2024] Our paper Learning Soft Constrained MPC Value Functions: Efficient MPC Design and Implementation providing Stability and Safety Guarantees has been accepted at the next Learning For Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC 2024).